Kamis, 14 Januari 2010


Indonesian Singer Audy, doesn't give a damn when people criticize her figure. She didn't felt anything wrong with the way she looks now.

But some people think that she has an overweight body. Audy denies it, she wonders why people so concern about her body, and she thinks it's even NOT FAT. Hey...I'm Not That Big..

Well, she admitted that her figure is not as runaway model's body, but hey that's okay...the most important thing is that she's HEALTHY

She said, she also never wears inappropriate dress that can make other people uncomfortable, so why still people mind with her body.

To keep healthy, she minimizes carbo and does 45 minutes treadmill everyday.

So guys, don't criticized her anymore, a little bit chubby is cute, audy got curves, like "normal" woman has.

(source: http://www.detikhot.com/read/2010/01/14/144043/1278437/230/audy-gue-kan-nggak-gede-amat-yang-penting-sehat

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